Many of you already know that it is smart to fertilize our lawns. But do you know why?
There are ample benefits to spreading fertilizer seed throughout your grass during every season of the year. Using a fertilizer on your lawn, along with other proper maintenance habits, will create a lush, verdant lawn that will have more durability and look healthier than your average yard.
Needed Nutrients
In order for your lawn to flourish, it requires nutrients. High-quality soil is made of fertilizer. Your grass over time loses many nutrients that are needed for growth and overall health. When you fertilize your lawn, those nutrients enable your grass to grow deeper and root itself in a healthy way.
When you give your lawn enough nutrients through fertilizing, your lawn will be more durable and beautiful. Your soil also receives important elements, such as phosphorous, nitrate, and potassium. For soil to be as rich as possible, it needs these elements. Sunshine and water will enhance the absorption of these chemical elements. Just as you feed your body, your lawn needs food, as well.
Fertilizer is a Green Solution
Because fertilizer uses natural chemicals and vitamins, it is a lawn-care solution that is good for the environment. There is no environmental impact using fertilizer since it dissipates into the soil. You can even use lawn clippings for a cost-effective, eco-friendly solution.

Nitrogen, a mineral element, plays a vital role in the health of your lawn. Think of nitrogen as the main fuel that allows your lawn and plants to grow tall. Without nitrogen, they will wither and die.
Nitrogen enters a plant or grass through its root system. This sparks new growth that you see in the form of shoots after nitrogen application. Be prepared to mow your lawn more frequently after feeding it with nitrogen.
When nitrogen spurs strong shoot growth, root growth slows down. What’s more, when you apply nitrogen to your lawn, growth transfers from roots to shoots. This results in a lush, emerald green lawn. Adding nitrogen changes the growth patterns of your grass and plants. There is less root growth as shoots are more prevalent because of the nitrogen. However, root growth should be the primary focus when you are trying to establish a new lawn. Be aware that summer heat and cold winter winds add more stress to your grass and plants.
Your Plants Will Grow Faster with Fertilizer
Remember that fertilizer is a vital aspect of your lawn’s diet. It also makes it possible for your grass to grow faster. While soil helps with lawn growth in general, fertilizer allows it to thrive and flourish.
Lawn Fertilizer Saves You Money
You probably already know that lawn maintenance can be expensive. But using fertilizer on your grass can be a cost-effective solution. After fertilization, all there is to tend to is basic maintenance.
Oscar’s Lawn Care understands that keeping your lawn looking its best is a big job! Our lawn care professionals will ensure your yard is always looking its best. We are here to provide the best lawn care and maintenance services in the Tri-Cities including Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland.
If you want your neighbors to be jealous of your gorgeous landscape, then give Birch’s a call at (509) 619-9203